Friday, December 28, 2012
24 Weeks
How Far Along: 24 Weeks, 1 Day
Baby's Size: Canteloupe Average size: 10.5-11.8 inches, 12.7 oz. (Another source says baby weighs more than a 1.5 lbs and is 8.5 inches crown to rump.)
Nipples are sprouting and face is fully formed
Total Weight Gain:
Home scale: 2.2 lbs this week bringing me to 8.6 lbs total
Doctor’s scale: 10 lbs total at 24 week appointment yesterday so it looks like the scales are beginning to align!
Weight gained with Grant at this point: 15.6 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Still the same...
Baby's Movement: I think she's s boxer or a gymnast... but we did have a scare this week on Wednesday. With me being sick I think baby was a little under the weather as well and over 24 hours passed with me feeling no movement at all. The doctor has us come in for some fetal heart rate monitoring and she responded like a champ.
Food Cravings: I didn't get to indulge nearly as much as I had anticipated for Christmas because I was sick, couldn't taste the food and just wasn't in the mood for much. Boo! My awesome hubby did load up my Christmas stocking with blow pops though so I am set there!
Food Aversions: There was fried chicken at one of the Christmas gatherings we had and you couldn't pay me money to go near it. I don't know what it is about poultry.
Sleep: Between my cold and my hip killing me this week, sleep hasn't been the best. I have been waking quite a bit but can usually go back to sleep rather quickly with a position shift.
Symptoms: Well with a cold on top of normal baby brain I am a walking space cadet! It's even worse than normal. I am surprised I have remembered to brush my teeth or put deodorant on some mornings.
Best Moment(s) This Week: Celebrating Christmas. Although it was busy and I was sick we still had a great time and we are truly blessed. And after 4 long weeks it was great to hear baby's heart beating at a galloping 155 bpm.
What I Miss: My immune system! I rarely get sick... I mean never! It seems with this pregnancy though I have caught every runny nose, cough, or sniffle that comes my way whether it is from Grant from daycare or elsewhere.
What I Am Looking Forward To: I keep saying it but I need to get organized asap! I feel like time is slipping away entirely too fast! The painting I wanted done this week hasn't even been started because I am so under the weather.
What's Different This Time: There seems to be a bit of fear mixed in with the excitement of meeting this little girl. I can honestly say that I had no worries about Grant and having a baby in general the first time around. I knew we would figure it out and just go with it. This time around I am excited but then I think about what having another baby actually means and it scares me because I know it won't be a cake walk right away. I also know that eventually we will get a routine down and figure it all out just like we did last time...
Next Appointment:
January 24th - 28 week appointment
Thursday, December 20, 2012
23 Weeks
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Like I have said... I am carrying this little girl HIGH! Holy smokes! |
Baby's Size: Grapefruit Average size: 10.5-11.8 inches, 12.7 oz. (Another source suggests just over 8 inches crown to rump and slightly over 1 lb.)
Baby can hear our voices and my heartbeat in there...
Total Weight Gain:
Home scale: down 0.2 lbs this week (so basically no change) bringing me to 6.4 lbs total I will say that when I stepped on the scale this morning my tummy was rumbling and I think I was running on empty. We'll see what the doc's scale says next week... Eek!
Doctor’s scale: 7 lbs at 20 week appointment on 11/29/2012
Weight gained with Grant at this point: 13.6 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Still the same with maternity pants and occasionally maternity shirts
Baby's Movement: She's rockin' and rollin' in there! Oh my goodness is she an active little girl! I LOVE it!
Food Cravings: Spinach artichoke dip, veggie pizza, chinese (I didn't get to take care of that one last week)... mainly snacky stuff and appetizers. Good thing Christmas is this week and I will be able to take care of these cravings! And pickles... stereotypical I know but I will say I would rather drink the juice than eat the actual pickle.
Food Aversions: Potato salad... this was an aversion with Grant as well. Someone brought it to our work pot luck and it made my stomach turn just to look at it!
Sleep: Like a baby! I have occasionally been waking for my potty break and when I lay back down baby is doing somersaults. I have no problem going back to sleep but some nights I like to lay there and enjoy it because I know it will be ending all too soon as the weeks continue to melt away!
Symptoms: Boy oh boy is this little girl sucking the brains cells right outta my head or what! If I think of something I need to do or need and don't do it immediately or write it down chances are VERY good that I WILL forget. Sometimes I even start out to do something, walk in the room, and completely space out because I have no idea why I came in there in the first place. And the clumsiness! If you didn't see already, last week I managed to drop a half gallon of milk in a glass jug which then proceeded to shatter on our kitchen floor. The glassware in my lab doesn't stand a chance right now! I have also been dealing with piriformis syndrome which I had before I had Grant, it flared up while I was pregnant and has done so again. In your hip region there is a muscle called the piriformis muscle which can become irritated and inflamed. Well when this happens it puts pressure on your sciatic nerve and causes sciatica. There is nothing you can do other than to stretch the muscle which I have been doing but those stretches don't work nearly as well with a growing tummy that is getting in the way more with each passing day. It can be terrible and if I round a corner walking, get up too fast, step wrong, basically many different triggers I have shooting pain radiate through my left hip and butt and I can't move until it subsides.
Best Moment(s) This Week: I finally got a bath in and it was so nice. While in the tub, I also got to see baby kick for the first time.
What I Miss: I have found myself occasionally watching people drink a glass of wine in a restaurant and thought to myself man could I go for a glass! Good thing I bought some sparkling grape juice for our Dells trip this weekend! :)
What I Am Looking Forward To: Looking forward to our family trip to the Dells with Matt's family but not being in a swimsuit at almost 6 months pregnant. And Christmas! I think there is something about having a child that brings the kid out in you again. It has been several years since I have been this excited about Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I am not a scrooge normally but it is just different to see Grant so excited.
What's Different This Time: The time seems to be going so much faster this time around. I know we have Grant and we are constantly chasing and on the go so that is normal but I just want to enjoy every moment because I know it will be over all too soon and I will miss it just like I did with Grant.
Next Appointment:
December 27th - 24 week appointment
Thursday, December 13, 2012
22 Weeks
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Holy smokes! You can definitely see where that 2.4 lbs went this week. (Sorry Grant's picture is a little blurry) |
Baby's Size: Papaya Average size: 10.5-11.8 inches, 12.7 oz.
Baby is on a sleep cylce of about 12-14 hours per day
Total Weight Gain:
Home scale: 2.4 lbs this week! Bringing me to 6.6 lbs total
Doctor’s scale: 7 lbs at 20 week appointment on 11/29/2012
Weight gained with Grant at this point: 12.2 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Same as last week... mainly pants and some shirts mixed in here and there.
Baby's Movement: She's a mover and a shaker. I honestly don't remember Grant being this active! This week also marks the first for feeling hiccups and braxton hicks starting.
Food Cravings: Chinese. We tried a new recipe this week of homeade sesame seed chicken which was terrible so now I want the good stuff. Blow pops. This week I bought a box of mini blow pop bites and two "Super Blow Pop" suckers. I honestly haven't even been eating much more than I use to. I blame the scale this week on the fact that I did gorge myself at our work potluck on Wednesday and then stepped on the scale Thursday morning... And I'm sticking to it!
Food Aversions: Nothing really notable this week. There has been nothings that has made my stomach turn.
Sleep: Amazingly well! I am so spoiled but enjoying it while it lasts. I LOVE every minute of sleep that I can get.
Symptoms: Still dealing with reflux here and there, Braxton hicks, baby hiccups, leg cramps! They haven't woken me up yet but I find if I moved too quickly in the mornings they will hit me.
Best Moment(s) This Week: Feeling baby girl's hiccups. It is yet another reassuring feeling that everything is going right and on track. Just brings us another milestone closer to meeting this little girl.
What I Miss: Taking a bath. It seems with having Grant I don't have as much time because I would rather spend that time playing with Grant and by the time he goes to bed I am pooped and just want to shower get in and get out.
What I Am Looking Forward To: Tackling the paint in her room between Christmas and New Year's. We have been moving furniture and making room but right now her room is our Christmas wrapping room. I also want to sort through some of Grant's clothes. I will be the first to admit that this little girl is going to pretty much be living in sleepers and onesies the first couple of months and until rummage sale season starts around May most of her clothes will likely be blue or gender neutral (aka hand me downs from Grant). I refuse to buy new, full price clothes. I did get a really good deal and was able to purchase 7 outfits for under $20 new so I can settle for that but I will not being going clothing crazy before she gets here.
What's Different This Time: Practice contractions aka Braxton hicks didn't start with Grant until week 25. I also didn't feel him hiccup or realize what was going on until week 25.
Next Appointment:
December 27th - 24 week appointment
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
23 Months
Holy cow! Is Grant’s second birthday really only a
month away? I am happy to say that his
invitations got dropped in the mail along with Christmas cards. Because of his love of Goodnight Moon we are opting for a Goodnight Moon themed pajama party.
I will say it will not be nearly as over the top as his first though!
Growth: According to our home scale, Grant is weighing in at 26.6 lbs… that is up almost another pound. According to his growth chart he is measuring in at roughly 35” so that puts him up about 1 ½” in the last month. Some of his 18-24 month pants are becoming a little short while some 24 month are still way too long. Otherwise he is still wearing some 18-24 month shirts, size 6 shoes, and size 4 diapers.
Mobility/Coordination: Grant
loves to race and says ready, set, go.
He goes up the stairs on his feet and not his hands and knees anymore
but he still likes to go down on his belly because it is much faster. We brought his tricycle in the house the
other day and his feet now reach the pedals but he doesn’t exactly get the
concept of pedaling yet.
Things he likes: My
hair! Grant has never been much of a
puller or tugger on my hair but he loves grabbing handfuls and running his
fingers through it lately.
Not too long ago Grant saw Jesus in a picture and said “Jesus!” And then sang Jesus Loves Me doing the motions. It has become one of his go to songs of choice.
Happy birthday to anyone and has been singing it to Jesus lately
Jingle Bells
The “deer song” aka Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Funniest moment(s) this month: His new favorite phrase is “Aww Nuts!” which I guess is much better than some things he could be saying!
When baby sister’s
bedding arrived we were unpacking it and Grant picked it up, hugged it and said
“I love you sissy.” It was so sweet!
Firsts: We took our 1st trip through the park for Christmas lights and to watch the light show. Grant loved it!
Growth: According to our home scale, Grant is weighing in at 26.6 lbs… that is up almost another pound. According to his growth chart he is measuring in at roughly 35” so that puts him up about 1 ½” in the last month. Some of his 18-24 month pants are becoming a little short while some 24 month are still way too long. Otherwise he is still wearing some 18-24 month shirts, size 6 shoes, and size 4 diapers.
Those 2 year old
molars haven’t popped through yet but I can feel them just below the
Language/Comprehension: We
have heard Grant count to 10 on his own without any mistakes but he still isn’t
very consistent. He also still switches
between English and Spanish counting.
Color recognition is so so and he seems to be the most consistent with
orange, red, and yellow. We have been
working on enunciation with Grant and saying word correctly since his
vocabulary is doing so well. He loves to
his k sounds for truck and milk for instance.
The why why why phase has definitely kicked in. We amuse him and answer the first couple of
why’s but that is it. Matt likes to turn
the table on Grant and ask him why and Grant will say “no why!” It seems like he doesn’t like a taste of his
own medicine. When you ask Grant a
question, he will use yes and no in the proper context whereas in the past the
answer was always no.
can also be very bossy. The other day I
started the pellet stove and we have been working on keeping Grant away. Well I stood close to warm up he told me “no,
mommy hot!” He also scolded Bucky the
other day when he was drinking from Monty’s water dish and told him “no Bucky,
that’s Monty’s.”
favorite words/phrases this month:
Santa, Christmas, snowman, Matt (which sounds more like map), help me
please, big pumpkin went bye bye, where’s the other one, Santa says ho ho ho!
Training: We have had a
couple more potty incidences on the toilet at home and Grant doesn’t know it
yet but he is getting underwear for Christmas.
It is my hope to have him in underwear the week between Christmas and
New Year’s when I am off of work and really push for some hardcore training and
see how he catches on. If he is ready
then great and if not we will wait a little longer.
Grant-isms: Loves to “cheers” us with his milk at meals ~ Dislikes ketchup and
most dips but will drink ranch directly from the dipping cup if you allow him ~ If you take a picture he says cheese and then says “I see ‘em” because he needs to see it ~ He likes to
hide before dinner and stands in a corner and said “hiding” over and over
He loves all
of the Christmas lights and points out “Christmas lights” and “more Christmas
lights” and “Christmas tree” and “another Christmas tree” as we are riding down
the road. It is like a play by play.
He loves his vitamins, green
beans, the Robot Movie, the book The
Night Before Christmas aka “the Santa book”, giving hugs, and singing!
Not too long ago Grant saw Jesus in a picture and said “Jesus!” And then sang Jesus Loves Me doing the motions. It has become one of his go to songs of choice.
songs of choice…
Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree, I love you Christmas tree” Happy birthday to anyone and has been singing it to Jesus lately
Jingle Bells
The “deer song” aka Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Funniest moment(s) this month: His new favorite phrase is “Aww Nuts!” which I guess is much better than some things he could be saying!
Biggest change(s) this month: Grant
is doing much better in his toddler bed and most nights doesn’t get up after we
put him to bed anymore.
Firsts: We took our 1st trip through the park for Christmas lights and to watch the light show. Grant loved it!
When my mom was
in town, she also took him to the horse stables that she worked at as a
teenager. She said at first he wasn’t
too sure what to think and didn’t want to be put down but warmed up quickly and
pet a couple and loved the donkey.
We cut down our first Christmas tree.
We also went to breakfast with Santa at a local restaurant. Grant didn't cry or freak out but he wasn't too sure about Santa and Mrs. Clause.
Grant and Kylie at breakfast with Santa |
Illnesses: Just
another minor cold/cough with no fever so it has been another quiet month!
C Diff update: I
am happy to report that Grant is still absolutely symptom free. Since his surgery we have been in touch with
the hospital because they have expressed interest in reaching out to various media
outlets with Grant’s story. This all would
have happened much sooner but the doctor’s involved in his case first wanted to
submit an article to a medical journal and the story was embargoed until
everything could be published. Grant’s
case has since been published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology. He is officially the youngest ever to receive
the transplant. The hospital is now
working on reaching out to the Chicago Tribune and a couple other media outlets
in Chicago as well as the local Fond du Lac Reporter. The Tribune will be including portions of his
story as part of a larger microbiome story they are writing and the Reporter
has expressed interest as well. We are
just happy to hear that even more people will hear about additional options out
there and hopefully it will prevent others from the long journey we had.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
21 Weeks
I will have a comparison picture next week
How Far Along: 21 Weeks
Baby's Size: Pomegranate Average size: 10.5 inches, 12.7 oz.
Taste buds are starting to work...
Total Weight Gain:
Home scale: 0.8 lbs this week bringing me to 4.2 lbs total (There is obviously still quite the discrepancy between our scale and the doctor's. During my pregnancy with Grant, they were both spot on so I am not sure what is going on there. I weigh myself once/week always first thing in the morning. I guess we'll see if the two eventually coincide but for now I like our scale much better!)
Doctor’s scale: 7 lbs at 20 week appointment on 11/29/2012
Weight gained with Grant at this point: 9.0 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Wearing mainly maternity pants now with the occasional regular pants with a belly band. Still wearing maternity shirts only occasionally and usually opting for tighter fitting ones.
Baby's Movement: Tons! She has been moving like crazy in spurts everyday. She will even respond to my nudges.
Food Cravings: I haven't had much of an appetite this week. Don't get me wrong... I am still eating but not starving. I have started thinking about what I want to bring to all of our Christmas stops and so far I am bringing a coffee cake and salmon dip so I am already jonesin' for those!
Food Aversions: Matt wanted KFC and I had to veto it or I said we'd have to make another stop for me to get something to eat. The chicken may have gone down ok but I didn't want to risk it.
Sleep: It has a been a blissful, beautiful week of sleep. Only one nightly potty break all week. I am loving it!
Symptoms: My feet have been killing me. I have work shoes on my Christmas list so maybe that will help. I also feel like I am hitting or have hit a belly growth spurt (look at that thing already)! I have had lots of aches (most likely round ligament stretching).
Best Moment(s) This Week: Our meeting with our Doula, Kamala. It is so exciting to talk about all of our birth wishes and having Kamala to help ensure that everything goes as we have planned. (I am still working on my special birth plan post.)
What I Miss: I already feel myself having to bend down differently whether it is to pick something up or help Grant with his shoes or something. I know it is just the beginning!
What I Am Looking Forward To: Not necessarily choosing a name yet but at least having a couple that we agree on! So far Matt and I are on pretty opposite ends of the spectrum.
What's Different This Time: I am still losing a lot of hair. I have always been a shedder but it seemed with Grant by this point it had slowed way down. Also, my back was killing me at night while sleeping with Grant but not with this little girl so far!
Next Appointment:
December 27th - 24 week appointment
Thursday, November 29, 2012
20 Weeks
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I would say I have finally made some real progress! Yikes! |
Baby's Size: Banana Average size: 6.5 inches, 10.6 oz.
Total Weight Gain:
Home scale: 0.6 lbs this week bringing me to 3.4 lbs total... I thought it would be much worse after eating so much at Thanksgiving!
Doctor’s scale: 7 lbs total at 20 week appointment on 11/29/2012 (today) I would say there is a slight discrepancy between my scale and the doctor's! Yikes! I weigh myself at home once a week, first thing in the morning. Maybe our scale is just that bad but I prefer that number!
Maternity Clothes: I am still bouncing back and forth between maternity and regular. I have given up on regular pants and opted for the comfort of maternity but need a belly band to hold them up. Shirts are still mainly non-maternity or tighter fitting maternity because I just look like like I am swimming in the baggy maternity shirts.
Baby's Movement: I am starting to think I am going to carry baby girl as high as I did Grant. (I mean look at that picture!) I have been feeling tons of movement but now I am feeling movement higher right around mybelly button area.
Food Cravings: No specific cravings this week. Thanksgiving took care of any food desires I had but I have noticed I am starting to get full faster. I am also already looking forward to Christmas for more yummy food!
Food Aversions: There really hasn't been much this week. I have even found myself thinking about the fact that maybe I want a steak which involves grilling and has been a major aversion up to this point. I would hate to waste a steak if it turns out I really couldn't handle it though.
Sleep: I am still sleeping really well and rarely waking up for a potty break. I will enjoy these days (hopefully weeks) while I can before it kicks in again in the 3rd trimeseter.
Symptoms: I would say my biggest complaint is reflux. I have been working on smaller meals and snacks but even with that I notice the reflux kicking in.
Best Moment(s) This Week: Spending Thanksgiving with my mom (and all of our other family as well!). She came to Matt's mom's side's on Thanksgiving day and then we spent the Saturday after with her side of the fmaily. Also hearing baby's heartbeat today. It was thumping away at 146 bpm. I am sad it will be 4 weeks before we go back.
What I Miss: Energy... I feel great during the day and it has been nothing like the first trimester but if I sit down after dinner to relax I am done for the night. I mean literally asleep on the couch by 7:30, wake up at 9:30 or 10:00 to drag myself to bed, then I am out for the night.
What I Am Looking Forward To: Nursery paint is purchased and that is on the to-do list for the week between Christmas and New Year's when I have off. (If I can wait that long!)
What's Different This Time: My belly button! Last time my belly button never popped or poked out. It was just flush with my belly. Well I definitely don't remember my belly button changing this early with Grant! It is almost flat already but I don't think it will poke out this time either... maybe?
Next Appointment:
December 27th - 24 week appointment
Thursday, November 22, 2012
19 Weeks
How Far Along: 19 Weeks
Baby's Size: Mango Average size: 6.0 inches, 8.5 oz.
Vermix caseosa is coating baby's skin...
Total Weight Gain:
Home scale: 2.6 lbs this week bringing me to 2.8 lbs total! I hate to see what Thanksgiving is going to do to me!
Doctor’s scale: 1 lb at 16 week appointment on 11/1/2012
Maternity Clothes: Still just the belly band with most pants. I did wear a tight fitting maternity shirt the other day, not out of necessity but out of lack of wardrobe options! I think I still just look like I have a gut versus being pregnant. I have decided I am going to put away most of my pants this weekend and get those maternity pants hanging in the closet... bring on the comfort.
Baby's Movement: Daily and I even felt her while I was standing this week and Matt was able to feel her move as well.
Food Cravings: Salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing, cheese (string and cheddar), chicken and rice (thank you mom for taking care of that one this week), and oh boy am I looking forward to all of the yummy Thanksgiving food.
Food Aversions: Still grilled stuff... Matt made steak sandwiches on the grill this weekend and I didn't want anything to do with them.
Sleep: I am still sleeping really well and it seems like I am waking up every other night or so for a bathroom break (regardless of when I try to cut the fluids off for the night before bed).
Symptoms: Feeling great but I have noticed my face has been very dry lately. I am sure some of it is because of the changing weather but it never seems like I can get enough moisturizer on my face However, my face has also become sensitive to my face lotion I have used for years so I am dealing with that as well. No sore back this week. I visited the chiropractor last Friday so maybe that has something to do with it as well. I have also had some reflux and heartburn raring their ugly head this week... yuck!
Best Moment(s) This Week: Seeing our little girl who appears to be completely healthy during our ultrasound last Friday and then sharing her gender with our family on Saturday. If you missed that post you can see it here.
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No little boy parts :) |
What I Am Looking Forward To: Our appointment next week and receiving her bedding so we can start painting her room! I literally ordered it the day we found out. I had it bookmarked and picked out for weeks ahead of time and honestly had never even glanced at boy bedding... some may say that is the kiss of death and ensures the opposite gender. I call it major intuition... or luck that I was assuming correctly.
What's Different This Time: With Grant at this point I had very sore feet and even some swelling (which never got really bad or caused problems). To date, I have had none of those issues and praying it stays that way.
Next Appointment:
November 29th - 20 week appointment
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Is it blue or pink?
Well the votes are in and the majority of you seemed to be thinking pink.
I wanted to do something a little different this time around for the gender reveal for our family. With Grant, I didn't take the time to plan anything special unfortunately. We decided since we found out on a Friday a nice dinner was in order for Saturday including Matt's immediate family that could make it, my mom, our grandparents and a couple aunts and uncles. After our appointment, I called the bakery with the gender and they filled the center layer of a cake with pink or blue. Not exactly original but still special and fun none the less. After dinner, we dug in to reveal baby's gender to the family. Take a look at the cake...
That's right... Lil' Fish 2 is a GIRL and Grant is going to have a little sister!!!
I guess that intuintion was right afterall :)
Let the name game begin. With Grant it took us pretty much until the very end before we decided and even then we weren't convinced until we met him. We'll see how it goes this time around!
I wanted to do something a little different this time around for the gender reveal for our family. With Grant, I didn't take the time to plan anything special unfortunately. We decided since we found out on a Friday a nice dinner was in order for Saturday including Matt's immediate family that could make it, my mom, our grandparents and a couple aunts and uncles. After our appointment, I called the bakery with the gender and they filled the center layer of a cake with pink or blue. Not exactly original but still special and fun none the less. After dinner, we dug in to reveal baby's gender to the family. Take a look at the cake...
Grandma Denise cutting the cake for the reveal... |
That's right... Lil' Fish 2 is a GIRL and Grant is going to have a little sister!!!
Pink in the middle to reveal the gender |
I guess that intuintion was right afterall :)
Let the name game begin. With Grant it took us pretty much until the very end before we decided and even then we weren't convinced until we met him. We'll see how it goes this time around!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
18 weeks
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That belly sure doesn't look like only 0.2 lbs! |
How Far Along: 18 Weeks
Baby's Size: Sweet Potato Average size: 5.6 inches, 6.7 oz.
Total Weight Gain:
Home scale: Up 0.2 lbs from original weight... finally on the positive side of things
Doctor’s scale: 1 lb at 16 week appointment on 11/1/2012
Maternity Clothes: Still wearing mostly the belly band with pants but I have worn a couple pairs of actual maternity pants. Otherwise, I am sticking with my fat pants. I am still wearing my normal shirts but I did have someone comment at work the other day that I am starting to show more in my work polo.
Baby's Movement: Flutters on a daily basis. I was actually able to feel baby's movement with my hand this week. Now, we have to let Matt have his turn soon!
Food Cravings: Nothing specific this week... although not a day goes by that I don't want a glass of milk and I am usually not much of a milk drinker. Oh, and I get Blanck's again on Saturday! Looking forward to that of course!
Food Aversions: Nothing specific this week.
Sleep: I have still been sleeping well and loving my cacoon of pillows. Although my several nights of relief from a bathroom break did not happen this week. I only had two nights off.
Symptoms: Man has my back been killing me already! I never really had backaches with Grant just extreme discomfort after about week 30 in my upper abdomen area just below my ribs (likely because he was breech and I was carrying sooooo high). With this one my middle back has been so achy. If I sit I am ok but I don't have the luxury of sitting at work for long. I am standing at a counter doing lab testing pretty much 80% of my day. I have also had several weird or very vivid dreams. In one dream I ate 6 cupcakes. Luckily, the next day at work someone brought donuts and a cake so that worked out well! Also, on two occasions this week I dreamt very vividly that we are having a boy.
Best Moment(s) This Week: We had a productive organization weekend at home!
What I Miss: A good cup of coffee.. that doesn't make my stomach roll. I have never been a huge coffee drinker but do enjoy a cup occasionally. It still is not my first choice and I have been sticking with red raspberry leaf tea which is much better for me anyway I guess.
What I Am Looking Forward To: Seeing my mom this afternoon and spending the next 12 days with her and TOMORROW! Sorry folks... you'll probably have to wait until Saturday night/Sunday for the reveal. We are going out to dinner with family on Saturday and will hopefully be able to reveal the gender then. After, I will make it blog and facebook official!
What's Different This Time: I think I am more excited for our ultrasound this time. Don't get me wrong... I was excited with Grant but also somewhat nervous. I didn't know what to expect. This time around I am very much looking forward to sitting back and enjoying the view.
Next Appointment:
November 16th - Gender Reveal... That's tomorrow! It's your last chance to vote.
November 29th - 20 week appointment
Monday, November 12, 2012
22 Months
Using the "mouth" of his pumpkin to smile for the camera |
No new teeth this
month… still holding steady at 16.
Although his fingers have been in his mouth non-stop this month and he
has been gnawing and chewing on both sides way in the back so I have the
feeling his 2 year old molars are right around the corner.
Language/Comprehension: Language
is still evolving on a daily basis and he loves reading. Grant has become much more inquisitive and
likes to know what is going on. If Matt
or myself walk out of the room, he will ask “Daddy/Mommy go?” Also, it doesn’t matter what we are doing or
if he can see us he will ask “Daddy/mommy doing?” As you can see he truncates
and often leaves off where did… or what are…
There was one night where Grant asked “Daddy doing?” to which I answered
“the dishes” and Grant followed up with “why?”
I laughed out loud and said to Matt oh great it is starting. Hopefully it doesn’t turn into why, why, why! So far he usually only asks why once and then he is done. Another favorite lately is when Matt or I leave the room and he is left by himself he will yell mom/dad over and over until we walk back into the room.
He can say his
ABC’s in their entirety. For a while he
would say what he knew and then hum the tune to the letters he didn’t and then
pick up again when he knew the letters again.
If you spell Grant, he knows it is his name and will point to himself
and say “Grant!”
Grant also loves to do his robot voice. He has a shirt with a robot on it and which initiated the entire thing but now he will do his robot voice out of the blue and say "My name is Grant. I am a robot."
Mobility/Coordination: This kid might just be a baseball all-star. He LOVES putting his ball on his tee and swinging and man can he connect with it about 90% of the time. His throws are also becoming much harder, further and accurate. He has about the same accuracy regardless of the hand he uses to throw the ball. We have been working on catching and the concept but he isn’t quite there yet.
Grant also loves to do his robot voice. He has a shirt with a robot on it and which initiated the entire thing but now he will do his robot voice out of the blue and say "My name is Grant. I am a robot."
Mobility/Coordination: This kid might just be a baseball all-star. He LOVES putting his ball on his tee and swinging and man can he connect with it about 90% of the time. His throws are also becoming much harder, further and accurate. He has about the same accuracy regardless of the hand he uses to throw the ball. We have been working on catching and the concept but he isn’t quite there yet.
Always a helper! |
He likes to tear
his food apart (like toast) and then eat it.
Grant will ask
us to kiss it all better every time he gets what he thinks is an owie and
sometimes he will even kiss it himself and then go about his business.
When asked
whether he is going to have a baby brother or baby sister Grant’s answer is
always “baby sister.” Why? We are not sure… maybe he knows something
that we don’t.
Grant will
always say “I love you mommy/daddy” whenever we have to leave the house and we
tell him bye. Get him in public and he
isn’t nearly as vocal though.
Things he likes: He is definitely no longer scared of “big pumpkin.” He will pick him up and carry him all over the house, sit with him on the couch, and give him hugs and kisses.
Kissing "Big Pumpkin" |
Choo Choo! |
He will play
peek-a-boo and cover his face (usually with his hat when we are riding in the
car or diaper during diaper changes) and he says “Where did grant go?”
Grant is
seriously the sweatiest kid I know. We
could send him to bed naked and not cover him with a blanket and he would still
be drenched. Jokingly, Matt and I were
saying that he will need deodorant by kindergarten otherwise he will be the
stinky kid.
Biggest change(s) this month: This
month we decided to move Grant to his big boy toddler bed. We figured it will only be a matter of time
before baby is here and we need the crib.
We wanted to be able to focus on the transition without the worry of
having a newborn. It was a little rough
in the beginning, but then by day four he had about three good days in a row. Then, he digressed and we had another rough
week of playing the up down I don’t want to stay in bed game (Not cool!). To date, he is doing much better and if he
does get out of bed it is only usually one time.
First night in his big boy bed |
Sampling some pumpkin during carving... note the CRAZY hair! |
Posing with our family of pumpkins |
Our crazy "Thing 1" |
He also peed on potty at daycare! He has done it at home several times but it had been awhile. It is my hope that when I am off of work the week between Christmas and New Year’s we can make the transition to underwear and have him potty trained before he goes back to daycare on Jan 2nd and before baby 2 arrives in April!
Illness: Other
than a cold/cough with no fever it has been another quiet month!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
17 Weeks
How Far Along: 17 Weeks
Baby's Size: Onion Average size: 5.1 inches, 5.9 oz.
Skeleton is hardening and fat is accumulating...
Total Weight Gain:
Home scale: Down 1.2 lbs from original weight but up 1.8 lbs from last week
Doctor’s scale: 1 lb at 16 week appointment on 11/1/2012
Maternity Clothes: Still just rockin' the belly band here and there.
Baby's Movement: Flutters on a daily basis.
Food Cravings: My craving for sweets is back... If you know me, you know I love my sweet treats. I am sure Halloween and the availability hasn't helped!
Food Aversions: I still have no desire for soda really. I was always a one a day kind of person when it came to soda but now I may have one per week.
Sleep: Like a baby! I broke out the body pillow this week and nestle into my cocoon of pillows, listen to my relaxation music, practice my breathing, and I am out! And I even slept through the night four nights in a row without having to wake up to go to the bathroom.
Symptoms: I went an entire week without throwing up! YAY! I am feeling great really. My energy is back for the most part. I am motivated and very much looking forward to scarfing down some Thanksgiving and Christmas foods.
Best Moment(s) This Week: The elections being over! Not pregnancy related but all those dang commercials got on my flippin' nerves!
What I Miss: Matt working in Fond du Lac. I had gotten spoiled for a couple months with him working in town. He was around in the mornings and afternoons to help get ready for the day ahead or help get supper ready. For a couple of days he had to work in Green Bay. He was gone before we were awake and home an hour or more after we were. I guess it is just keeping me on my game and ready for when I have 2 plus myself to get ready in the morning when he is working out of town.
What I Am Looking Forward To: Holy smokes! It's only a week away... not only do we get a glimpse of this lil' fish we also hopefully get to find out what we are having!
What's Different This Time: With Grant at this point I was feeling great but I just wasn't that hungry (you wouldn't guess that by my weight gain with him!). That is definitely not the case right now with this one... I have been snacking all day long everyday.
The Great Gender Debate: Matt and I both have our hunch as to what the gender of baby 2 is and coincidentally we are thinking along the same lines. We had our hunch with Grant as well which turned out to be correct. I will admit that with Grant we were both very much hoping for a boy. Of course healthy is all that matters and we would be absolutely ok either way. This time around I will say that a very large part of me would love to have a little girl. If you know me well, you may find this surprising. I have often been vocal about my concerns of having a girl (Matt is a little terrified as well but I think a little girl would have him wrapped around her little finger). My biggest reservation about a girl has been and still continues to be that it seems boys are just easier on a number of levels. Often times they don't have to deal with the drama and judgment that I think most girls have to face. The pressures and ridicule and let's just face it... they grow up to be teenagers! (Not to mention we have bins and bins and bins full of boys' clothes already.) I remember what it was like as a teenager and sometimes it was utterly exhausting feeling like you had to keep up appearances and trying to steer clear of the drama. And as a parent you want to protect your child from everything but that just is not reality regardless of gender. Knowing this is very likely our last child there is that part of me that wants a little girl to do girly things with but most importantly teach how to hunt, fish, and play sports. We will be absolutely happy either way and pray for a healthy baby. God will bless us with what He sees fit and regardless we are blessed. I guess we'll see in a week!
Next Appointment:
November 16th - One week, gender reveal! Matt and I have our hunch which happens to be the same. How about you? Don't forget to get your vote in!
November 29th - 20 week appointment
Thursday, November 1, 2012
16 weeks
How Far Along: 16 Weeks
Baby's Size: Avocado Average size: 4.6 inches, 3.5 oz.
Eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair are filling in...
Total Weight Gain:
Home scale: Down 3 lbs (I lost the ground I had gained because of my cold this week I think)
Doctor’s scale: Up 1 lb (same as my appointment 5 weeks ago at 11 weeks)
Maternity Clothes: Still sticking with just the belly band but I have had to expand beyond wearing it with just my work pants. I still have several pair of jeans I can fit into without it (aka fat pants)!
Baby's Movement: Still feeling nudges on a now daily basis and sometimes several times a day depending on whether I am sitting or laying down.
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular this week and I actually haven't had much of an appetite probably because of having a cold/cough. Although, Blanck's last Friday was absolutely delicious and hit the spot!
Food Aversions: When Matt and I were making our grocery list last weekend, he asked what was off limits. I said no chicken, no beef, and no grilled stuff. He laughed and said ok but what does that really leave us?
Sleep: We have been a bit under the weather with colds/coughs around our house the past week so my nice, restful nights have been interrupted with lots of coughing... from me. Not to mention the nightly potty break.
Symptoms: I am still feeling really good considering. I think this cold has taken a lot out of me. I also got sick two days in a row in the morning this week... Hoping it is just a fluke and after the cold clears up the nausea and vomitting goes with it.
Best Moment(s) This Week: Hearing baby's heartbeat. It felt like it had been ages (5 weeks since our last appointment). Baby's heart was racing at 147 bpm. Everything checked out normal at our appointment.
What I Miss: Not falling asleep before 8 o'clock. Seriously, if I sit down to relax on the couch I am sleeping. Then I have to drag my lazy, tired butt off the couch and go to bed usually somewhere between 9:30 and 10. Friday and Saturdays are seriously the only 2 days during the week that I am not asleep before 9 at the latest. I guess I must need the sleep?!?
What I Am Looking Forward To: Seeing baby on the ultrasound!
What's Different This Time: With Grant at this point we had already started preliminary nursery painting, organizing, birthing class, and picked our doula. To date, we have hired our doula again. The urge to have everything done now doesn't seem to be as great. I am a planner by nature and I konw we will have everything ready but I just don't feel the rush this time. Kind of a been there done that kind of mentality.
Next Appointment:
November 16th Gender Reveal! Don't forget to get your vote in!
November 29th - 20 week appointment
Thursday, October 25, 2012
15 Weeks
How Far Along: 15 Weeks
Baby's Size: Navel Orange Average size: 4 inches, 2.5 oz.
Legs are finally longer than arms...
Total Weight Gain:
Home scale: Down 2.6 (which means I actually gained about 0.5 lbs this week... definitely feeling better!)
Doctor’s scale: No measurement this week
Maternity Clothes: I have to admit I have broken out the belly band a couple of times for my uniform work pants. They are the not so attractive, high wasted sexy kind and frankly it has been a tight squeeze on some days. Although, I haven't worn it everyday nor I have I worn it with any of my personal pants.
Baby's Movement: Still feeling lil' nugget move here and there... nothing too consistent yet though.
Food Cravings: I am sooo looking forward to Blanck's tomorrow! I also came across a coupon for funfetti cake and icing and of course had to make the purchase but I haven't actually baked the cake yet. Otherwise, there have been no specific cravings but I have been feeling better and starving!
Food Aversions: Leftovers! Yuck!
Sleep: I am still sleeping pretty well although it may be time to break out the body pillow pretty soon. And that stinking nightly potty trip really ticks me off.
Symptoms: Knock on wood it has been a good week (minus one throw up incident) and I have been STARVING. I have found that if I have the slightest inkling of being hungry and don't eat then I get nauseous but usually as soon as I get something in my stomach I am good to go. YAY!!! I can't begin to explain how great that feels. Having not felt good for the past 11 weeks... I feel like a new person. Unfortunately, I have still been very tired (i.e. I was asleep on the couch by 7:00 last night!).
Best Moment(s) This Week: We organized the office/toy room and it felt great! I decluttered and threw away tons of stuff, packed away toys Grant doesn't play with, and rearranged.
What I Miss: Right now I can't really think of anything other than having energy. I am feeling good (other than the cough/colds that have hit Matt, Grant and myself this week). I have no desire for a cocktail (actually the thought repulses me). I am eating what I want when I want and doing what I want when I want.
What I Am Looking Forward To: Getting my hands on the "spare room" aka soon to be "nursery." I have started envisioning what I may want it to look like but of course knowing the gender will be the true key to design scheme.
What's Different This Time: Looking back in my pregnancy journal from Grant I would say not very much. I had very slight nausea with him that had worn off by this time and I was still pretty tired at this point with him as well so I would say it is pretty even par right now.
Next Appointment:
November 1st - 16 week appointment One week! Can't wait to hear lil' nugget's heartbeat again! It has been forever it seems!
November 16th Gender Reveal! Don't forget to get your vote in... Only three more weeks.
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