How Far Along: 19 Weeks
Baby's Size: Mango Average size: 6.0 inches, 8.5 oz.
Vermix caseosa is coating baby's skin...
Total Weight Gain:
Home scale: 2.6 lbs this week bringing me to 2.8 lbs total! I hate to see what Thanksgiving is going to do to me!
Doctor’s scale: 1 lb at 16 week appointment on 11/1/2012
Maternity Clothes: Still just the belly band with most pants. I did wear a tight fitting maternity shirt the other day, not out of necessity but out of lack of wardrobe options! I think I still just look like I have a gut versus being pregnant. I have decided I am going to put away most of my pants this weekend and get those maternity pants hanging in the closet... bring on the comfort.
Baby's Movement: Daily and I even felt her while I was standing this week and Matt was able to feel her move as well.
Food Cravings: Salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing, cheese (string and cheddar), chicken and rice (thank you mom for taking care of that one this week), and oh boy am I looking forward to all of the yummy Thanksgiving food.
Food Aversions: Still grilled stuff... Matt made steak sandwiches on the grill this weekend and I didn't want anything to do with them.
Sleep: I am still sleeping really well and it seems like I am waking up every other night or so for a bathroom break (regardless of when I try to cut the fluids off for the night before bed).
Symptoms: Feeling great but I have noticed my face has been very dry lately. I am sure some of it is because of the changing weather but it never seems like I can get enough moisturizer on my face However, my face has also become sensitive to my face lotion I have used for years so I am dealing with that as well. No sore back this week. I visited the chiropractor last Friday so maybe that has something to do with it as well. I have also had some reflux and heartburn raring their ugly head this week... yuck!
Best Moment(s) This Week: Seeing our little girl who appears to be completely healthy during our ultrasound last Friday and then sharing her gender with our family on Saturday. If you missed that post you can see it here.
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No little boy parts :) |
What I Am Looking Forward To: Our appointment next week and receiving her bedding so we can start painting her room! I literally ordered it the day we found out. I had it bookmarked and picked out for weeks ahead of time and honestly had never even glanced at boy bedding... some may say that is the kiss of death and ensures the opposite gender. I call it major intuition... or luck that I was assuming correctly.
What's Different This Time: With Grant at this point I had very sore feet and even some swelling (which never got really bad or caused problems). To date, I have had none of those issues and praying it stays that way.
Next Appointment:
November 29th - 20 week appointment
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