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Like I have said... I am carrying this little girl HIGH! Holy smokes! |
Baby's Size: Grapefruit Average size: 10.5-11.8 inches, 12.7 oz. (Another source suggests just over 8 inches crown to rump and slightly over 1 lb.)
Baby can hear our voices and my heartbeat in there...
Total Weight Gain:
Home scale: down 0.2 lbs this week (so basically no change) bringing me to 6.4 lbs total I will say that when I stepped on the scale this morning my tummy was rumbling and I think I was running on empty. We'll see what the doc's scale says next week... Eek!
Doctor’s scale: 7 lbs at 20 week appointment on 11/29/2012
Weight gained with Grant at this point: 13.6 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Still the same with maternity pants and occasionally maternity shirts
Baby's Movement: She's rockin' and rollin' in there! Oh my goodness is she an active little girl! I LOVE it!
Food Cravings: Spinach artichoke dip, veggie pizza, chinese (I didn't get to take care of that one last week)... mainly snacky stuff and appetizers. Good thing Christmas is this week and I will be able to take care of these cravings! And pickles... stereotypical I know but I will say I would rather drink the juice than eat the actual pickle.
Food Aversions: Potato salad... this was an aversion with Grant as well. Someone brought it to our work pot luck and it made my stomach turn just to look at it!
Sleep: Like a baby! I have occasionally been waking for my potty break and when I lay back down baby is doing somersaults. I have no problem going back to sleep but some nights I like to lay there and enjoy it because I know it will be ending all too soon as the weeks continue to melt away!
Symptoms: Boy oh boy is this little girl sucking the brains cells right outta my head or what! If I think of something I need to do or need and don't do it immediately or write it down chances are VERY good that I WILL forget. Sometimes I even start out to do something, walk in the room, and completely space out because I have no idea why I came in there in the first place. And the clumsiness! If you didn't see already, last week I managed to drop a half gallon of milk in a glass jug which then proceeded to shatter on our kitchen floor. The glassware in my lab doesn't stand a chance right now! I have also been dealing with piriformis syndrome which I had before I had Grant, it flared up while I was pregnant and has done so again. In your hip region there is a muscle called the piriformis muscle which can become irritated and inflamed. Well when this happens it puts pressure on your sciatic nerve and causes sciatica. There is nothing you can do other than to stretch the muscle which I have been doing but those stretches don't work nearly as well with a growing tummy that is getting in the way more with each passing day. It can be terrible and if I round a corner walking, get up too fast, step wrong, basically many different triggers I have shooting pain radiate through my left hip and butt and I can't move until it subsides.
Best Moment(s) This Week: I finally got a bath in and it was so nice. While in the tub, I also got to see baby kick for the first time.
What I Miss: I have found myself occasionally watching people drink a glass of wine in a restaurant and thought to myself man could I go for a glass! Good thing I bought some sparkling grape juice for our Dells trip this weekend! :)
What I Am Looking Forward To: Looking forward to our family trip to the Dells with Matt's family but not being in a swimsuit at almost 6 months pregnant. And Christmas! I think there is something about having a child that brings the kid out in you again. It has been several years since I have been this excited about Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I am not a scrooge normally but it is just different to see Grant so excited.
What's Different This Time: The time seems to be going so much faster this time around. I know we have Grant and we are constantly chasing and on the go so that is normal but I just want to enjoy every moment because I know it will be over all too soon and I will miss it just like I did with Grant.
Next Appointment:
December 27th - 24 week appointment
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