A bare belly picture... check out those veins! :) |
How Far Along: 37 Weeks and full term!
Baby's Size: Winter Melon Average size: 18.9-20.9 inches, 6.2-9.2 lbs (Another source says baby weighs about 6 1/2 lbs and is approximately 20 inches head to toe.)
Total Weight Gain:
Home scale: Down 2.3 lbs this week (As you'll see below... I haven't been feeling too well this week.) bringing me to 24.4 lbs total
Doctor’s scale: 26 lbs at our 37 week appointment today (Down 3 lbs according to doc's scale)
Weight gained with Grant at this point: 39 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Yes, I have even expanded into Matt's t-shirt wardrobe more and more.
Baby's Movement: She seems to be more active at night than during the day lately.
Food Cravings: None really. I honestly have had a rather minimal appetite this week. More on that below...
Food Aversions: Ribs... specifically on the grill at home. They are usually delicious and I love them but still don't have the stomach for most grilled food. Doesn't help that they came back up on Sunday night either.
Sleep: I am still falling asleep on my left side but usually wake up on my right side or back. I have been sleeping pretty good (with the exception of Sunday night) and woken up a couple times this week to pee at 3-4.
Symptoms: It turned into an eventful Sunday night/Monday. I was feeling off all weekend and when Sunday rolled around I was really nauseous. Well, I ended up throwing up Sunday night and then was up most of the night Sunday with stomach cramps and diarrhea. Monday morning rolled around and right before walking out the door for work I threw up again. I made it into work knowing I had some loose ends to tie up if this was "it" knowing that some women have diarrhea to clean out their body's before labor. Meanwhile I started timing contractions. They were very consistent and 4-5 mins apart. During all of this I was in contact with our doula to fill her in and get her thoughts. I continued my morning not very easily because I still felt sick as a dog and had diarrhea. We decided that with contractions still regular and even closer together (5 hours later) and the way I was feeling (nauseous, abdominal cramps, regular contractions) it was time to call the doc. I went in at about 12:30 on Monday afternoon to be monitored and see if it was time. I was only slightly dilated (1 cm) and I made it very clear that I wanted to go back home and labor at home even if they did determine I was in labor because progress was so minimal. My contractions were still very regular but Dr. Dennis agreed that I would be more comfortable at home since I was showing no signs of progress. She didn't seem too confident it was time because when we were leaving she said see you at your appointment on Thursday. Well, she was right. All I needed was some rest, a little food (the first I had in 24 hours), and some fluids and everything calmed back down to normal as far as contractions go. Unfortunately the nausea and diarrhea have continued (It hasn't been a fun week!) and it seems I have a bad bug, hence the weight loss.
This is the first week that I am feeling very pregnant and just blah. I am sure it is because I have been sick but I am exhausted and utterly worn out. I even had to sit down at work for the first time while doing an analysis this week.
A new thing this week is Braxton hicks at night (I am sure it was happening previously but they sometimes wake me now or it is inevitable that when I get up to use the bathroom I have a couple before I drift off back to sleep).
Best Moment(s) This Week: Our to-do list is officially done. I am glad we kicked it in high gear this weekend because after our trial run on Monday we know we are ready whenever she is. Matt said he even has his baby bag ready for work which entailed making it easier for him to pack up his tools and hit the road asap if need be because he has been working in Milwaukee. He's back in Fond du Lac working hopefully until baby comes though! Fingers crossed!
What I Miss: My energy (the little bit I did have) really took a nose dive this week. Crossing my legs. I know it isn't good for circulation and what not but I still enjoy crossing my legs occasionally and that is nearly impossible and uncomfortable now. Down baby down!
What I Am Looking Forward To: Mommy and Grant day tomorrow at the Appleton Children's Museum and a lunch date and celebrating and enjoying Easter.
What's Different This Time: We had our ECV with Grant at 37 weeks to try to turn him... no ECV this time! Baby is head down and ready!
Appointment update: Most exciting of all today we got another glimpse of our baby girl!
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Check out those lips! |
They guesstimate her size at 6 lbs 13 oz and 58th percentile or right on track. Dr. Dennis has absolutely no concerns about her being too big for me to have a successful VBAC. Her heartbeat was 136. There has been no additional dilation since Monday. I am still at 1 cm and no effacement. We discussed at length how I have been feeling and the weight loss. She said if the diarrhea continues until Saturday we will do some stool tests to rule out something bacterial or a parasite. We did run another urine culture because my urine has become a very dark amber color but that could be because I am dehydrated (even though I have been doing my best to stay hydrated).
Next Appointment:
April 5th - 38 week appointment
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