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Grant wanted to be in the picture with mommy :) |
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Is it just me or can you see more of that baby weight in my face with Grant than with her? It could almost 10 extra lbs I was packing with Grant at this same time! |
Baby's Size: Honeydew Average size: 17.2-18.7 inches, 4.2-5.8 lbs (Another source says baby weighs about 6 lbs and is slightly more than 20 inches head to toe.)
Total Weight Gain:
Home scale: 0.6 lbs this week bringing me to 26.7 lbs total (I am a little surprised by the small number this week!)
Doctor’s scale: 29 lbs at our 36 week appointment yesterday
Weight gained with Grant at this point: 37 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Yes and I have had to expand. Some of the shirts that I viewed as "too big" or "too frumpy" fit just right now...
Baby's Movement: She is still very active but I can tell she is getting a little squished in there. Her movements have become smaller, rolling type movements versus the bigger, sharper pokes and jabs.
Food Cravings: I still enjoy my nightly bowl of cereal, sweets (I have been working very hard to cut back), and I would love a soda every day but abstain. Originally, we were going to host Easter this year. I learned it could be a little dangerous having a very pregnant lady planning and hosting. Every recipe I saw I wanted to have so it's probably a good thing Matt's grandma is going to do it instead!
Food Aversions: Chinese... for awhile I had been craving it and had gone to a buffet that was delicious. Well, we tried the same place again and it wasn't nearly as good as the first time. The food was mostly cold and lacking flavor. Needless to say... we won't be going back there for awhile.
Sleep: Ah... the elusive sleep. I have still been sleeping only so so. I have been waking on average 2-3 times per night on most nights. Usually, I don't even need to pee but I get up anyway and go because I am awake and having a hard time getting back to sleep. I have found the last couple nights that if I make myself stay awake until 10 then I haven't been waking but that is so late! :)
Symptoms: I have been having a lot of Braxton Hick's. There are even times when I was timing and they were an average of 5 minutes apart and lasting about 45 seconds to 1 min 15 secs for over 3 hours. I am always congested and my sense of smell is reduced when it is normally the opposite in pregnant women. More pressure (not a lot) and more potty breaks. My rings are getting a little snug and there have been a couple mornings I can't get them on. Usually an hour or so later they slide on without a problem though and come off at the end of the day without a problem.
Best Moment(s) This Week: Marking more items off the to do list... Only a couple left that aren't really necessary just the typical nesting over the top type cleaning. For instance, all the fans have been washed/dusted in the house, all the kitchen cabinets have been washed, our refrigerator and freezer are spotless, walls have been washed... like I said just a little over the top with some of those.
What I Miss: Sleep and being able to get comfortable and not being utterly exhausted by chasing Grant around. I can hardly keep up.
What I Am Looking Forward To: Finishing that to do list... I am giving us a deadline of this weekend. An ultrasound next week and getting a last minute glimpse of baby girl before we meet her!
What's Different This Time: I am getting so excited about the surprise of meeting her when she is ready. It is a completely different experience than knowing exactly when we will meet her like we unfortunately did with Grant. I think about the excitement of calling family to let them know we are on our way to the hospital and then calling again when she is actually here.
Appointment update: Our appointment went great yesterday. My bump is measuring right on track. Dr. Dennis specifically said she thinks we are dealing with a pretty average size baby. Group B Strep came back negative, blood pressure was perfect, urine clean and Dr. Dennis was surprised by the lack of swelling in my ankles. Her heartbeat clocked in at 135 bpm. So far I am not dilated at all nor have I started to efface which is perfectly ok. I am only 36 weeks and anxious to meet her but it will happen in her time. We have an ultrasound next week before my appointment to check in on her and get a guesstimate on her weight. With us planning a VBAC, there could be concerns if she is on the large size but I really don't think that will be the case.
Next Appointment:
March 28th - 37 week appointment
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