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Will there be a 41?!? or even a 42? |
How Far Along: 40 Weeks and entering my 10th month of pregnancy... never thought we'd make it this far!
Fun Fact: Studies have shown that about 70% of apparent post term pregnancies (>42 weeks) aren't post term at all. They are only believed to be late because of miscalculation of the time of conception.
I don't think people realize how discouraging it is when the first words out of their mouth when they see you (and you haven't even hit your guess date) are "you still haven't had that baby" like we are some phenomenon and no one has ever gone past their due date. I guess in today's society and the age of elective inductions and cesareans (when not medically necessary) that is the way of thinking. If you didn't recently see a link on my facebook page to this story about a study that was done on children who were born electively before 39 weeks click Here to check it out. Or another article about how estimated due dates (EDD) are often miscalcuted based on a 28 day lunar month when in all actuality a lunar month is 29.53 days click Here. And that is my soap box rant for the day! :)
Baby's Size: Jack Fruit Average size: 18.9-20.9 inches, 6.2-9.2 lbs (Another source says baby weighs about 7 1/2 lbs and could be approximately 19-22 inches head to toe.)
My prediction is and has been all along that baby will be a solid 8-9 lbs. Grant was 7 lbs 15 oz at 39 weeks and I was 8 1/2 lbs when I was born.
Total Weight Gain:
Home scale: 1.1 lbs this week bringing me to 29.7 lbs total
Doctor’s scale: 32 lbs at our 40 week appointment today (no weight gain according to her scale)
Weight gained with Grant at this point: Unknown, he was already born and a week old. Final weigh tally at 39 weeks... 42 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I am so sick of my maternity wardrobe options!
Baby's Movement: Rolls and jabs and and knees and elbows... oh my!
Food Cravings: Ice cream, sweets, salads, fish... still about the same. Although I wouldn't say I am starving like I had been.
Food Aversions: None
Sleep: Like a champ except for my 1-2 nightly potty breaks.
Symptoms: My energy levels have been like I am back in my 2nd trimester (with the exception of one day this week). Discomfort in my ribs is back. I have still been sweating like a pig at night. Braxton hick's have continued and I would say they are stronger and bigger now... not uncomfortable or painful though. Lower back achiness has continued and menstrual like cramping has increased along with pressure. I would say all signs are pointing towards go any time now.
Some natural remedies we've by trying to coax things along: Eggplant parmesan, pineapple, red raspberry leaf tea, evening primrose oil, walking, hip circles and "down baby down"... among others. Bottom line if she isn't ready and it isn't time then nothing natural is going to help either.
Best Moment(s) This Week: Tons of energy and more organization and cleaning. A quiet dinner with Matt. Spending some time with my mom.
What I Miss: Honestly, nothing at this point. I know we are so close to meeting this little girl and this whole pregnancy experience is almost over again so I am soaking up every moment.
What I Am Looking Forward To: Meeting our little nugget and finally choosing a name... no, we still don't have one or even 2 that we have narrowed it down to! She is still "baby" or "baby girl" or "baby sister" or as Grant has taken to calling her when you ask her name "D."
What's Different This Time: Still being pregnant at 40 weeks
Appointment Update: Baby's heartbeat was 128 bpm ("closer to what a newborn's heartbeat is") and my belly was measuring right on at 40 cm. During my cervical check everything is still the same... 1 cm or a fingertip and otherwise closed up pretty tight. Dr. Dennis feels confident she will come before 42 weeks on her own and is completely fine with sitting back and letting things happen. I scheduled my 41 week appointment and she said sometime between 41 and 42 weeks we would schedule a non-stress test to check on baby (amniotic fluid, placenta, movement, etc.) and see how we feel about going slightly beyond 42 weeks if need be.
Next Appointment:
April 25th - 41 week appointment
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