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This is the very last picture I have of my Grant bump. It was taken the night before our c-section |
Baby's Size: Watermelon Average size: 18.9-20.9 inches, 6.2-9.2 lbs (Another source says baby weighs about 8 lbs and is approximately 21 inches head to toe.)
Total Weight Gain:
Home scale: 1 lb this week bringing me to 28.6 lbs total
Doctor’s scale: 32 lbs at our 39 week appointment today
Weight gained with Grant at this point: 42.2 lbs (this will be the last weight comparison I have for Grant as he was born at exactly 39 weeks)
Maternity Clothes: More than ever. Depending on what clothing option I choose I either get "you are so tiny" comments or "wow that shirt makes you look big" (which I know some of them do make me look huge!) I am still able to wear my work polos though!
Baby's Movement: She is still a busy little girl. I have still been feeling some sharp kicks in my ribs but I am thinking maybe she really has dropped a little because the burning sensation and extreme discomfort in my ribs has let up a little.
Food Cravings: Still salads, my almost nightly bowl of cereal, fish, and apples and peanut butter.
Food Aversions: I don't think I could turn down many food options.
Sleep: Waking 2-3 times per night with at least 1-2 bathroom breaks.
Symptoms: Sweating like a pig at night. My cankles have disappeared. Not sure what it was about those 4-5 days last week when they were so terrible but they are almost completely normal. I am even wearing my wedding ring on a daily basis with no problem.
Braxton hick's have continued and some days they are stronger than others... Nothing painful. Still having occasional period like cramps, occasional achy back and more feelings of pressure.
I will say that I am absolutely not stressed or nervous about labor what so ever. We are definitely ready to meet this little girl and I trust in my body completely and know that everything will fall into place. I am trying not to get antsy about being 39 weeks. Everything has fallen into place beautifully thus far and we are excited for this upcoming new journey.
Best Moment(s) This Week: My mom is here and we are so happy she made it in time!
We also got some more organization done around the house. Because of the way our house is configured, there is no mud area when you walk into our kitchen from the garage (which is where the majority of traffic flows). Our solution... Matt built us some cubbies in garage to hang coats, backpacks, shoes, etc. I LOVE having a handy husband! I am very excited about this and cutting down on the clutter in the kitchen!
And yes... we have an American flag painted on the wall in our garage by the previous owner :)
What I Miss: Overall I consider myself extremely lucky. I could maybe go for a glass of wine but I am in no hurry to evict this little girl. I definitely don't feel huge and miserable nor do I feel like I could have this baby at any moment. I am hanging in there very well. Work is still a breeze. I still feel pretty energized in the afternoons. I really can't complain!
What I Am Looking Forward To: Date night with Matt tomorrow. April 22nd will be 7 years since we met so we are going to celebrate a little early.
I think I am finally going to cook and freeze some meals this weekend. I have been lagging in that department because my mom has been so adamant about taking care of the cooking while she is here but it would be nice to have some meals stashed in the freeze for after she leaves. She has offered to help make some to freeze and put away as well!
What's Different This Time: I lost my mucous plug with Grant at 38 weeks 5 days. Thus far with baby girl there has been no sign of my mucous plug but that doesn't mean maybe I missed seeing that I lost it somewhere along the way.
And the biggest difference is that at exactly 39 weeks we were meeting Grant at 7:26 am.
Appointment update: Baby's heartbeat was 132 bpm and my belly was measuring exactly 39 cm. Not sure if last weeks measurement of staying 37 cm was a fluke or just because it was a different doctor measuring me. I am still at 1 cm so no progress there. Dr. Dennis and I had a discussion about what ifs and whether I would be discouraged from being allowed to go to 42 weeks if need be (because baby may get "too big" for a VBAC). She has absolutely no issues with allowing me to do so if we do end up needing that much time. Fingers crossed we won't but I am just glad that we are not being put on a deadline of before at least 42 weeks.
Next Appointment:
April 18th - 40 week appointment
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