Thursday, February 7, 2013

30 Weeks


How Far Along:  30 Weeks (Approximately 70 days to go!)

If there is one thing I remember vividly from my pregnancy with Grant it is that once you hit 30 weeks the remaining time FLIES BY!  Hold on because here we go!

Baby's Size:  Cucumber Average size: 15.2-16.7 inches, 2.5-3.8 lbs (Another source says baby weighs almost 3 lbs and is approximately 17 inches head to toe.)
Baby is strong enough to grasp a finger now.

Total Weight Gain:
Home scale:  1.4 lbs this week bringing me to 16.6 lbs total
Doctor’s scale:  18 lbs at our 28 week appointment on January 24th
Weight gained with Grant at this point:  24.6 lbs

Maternity Clothes:  Not much of a choice anymore... 

Baby's Movement:  She is still a very busy girl.  I do need to quit obsessing about what position she may be in though.  It will all work out and in the end I know she will cooperate...

Food Cravings:  Salads... if we are going to eat out somewhere my first thought is always "Do they have good salads there?"  I have still been indulging in my nightly bowl of cereal before bed as well.  I need to really chill out at meal time and eat smaller meals.  I find myself overly stuff and uncomfortable usually with reflux because I eat too much.   

Food Aversions:  Meatloaf and cheesy hashbrowns but that is mainly because I caught a stomach bug and they came back up in the middle of the night. 

Sleep:  Like a champ!  It still frustrates me when I have to briefly wake to roll over and reposition my pillows but I fall right back asleep. 

Symptoms:  Not really a pregnancy symptom but I had a 24 hour bought with the stomach flu.  Apparently Super Bowls are bad luck for me.  Three years ago my appendix ruptured and this year I was puking and had diarrhea.  Otherwise, things are pretty par for the course... occasional reflux, feeling full after eating two bites then being hungry five minutes later, very slight swelling in my ankles by the end of the day...

Best Moment(s) This Week:  A massage and a painted baby room!  Most of the stuff is in there but not necessarily organized yet. 

What I Miss:  My carefree 2nd trimester... Now that the 3rd has hit and we have hit 30 weeks I am feeling the push and the stress.  I want everything done and ready now!  It is as if having everything just so before she arrives will make the transition of having two children and managing two schedules and all that easier.  I know we will find a new norm and develop new schedules and find a routine that works for us but it still makes me very nervous. 

What I Am Looking Forward To:  Washing and sorting baby clothes.  I don't know about looking forward to it but it needs to be done.   

What's Different This Time:  After Grant being breech, I vowed that after 30 weeks I would not spend my nights lounging on the couch or in the recliner.  I have been spending a lot of time watching nightly TV sitting on my birthing ball or more conscientious of my position.  There are some nights I just can't resist though.  I have been trying to find the happy medium of not obsessing over it but still being conscientious of it.     

Next Appointment:
February 21st - 32 week appointment

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