Sunday, January 5, 2014

Grant ~Fall 2013~

Well this is supposed to be the fall post but as you can see we stretch into the winter a little bit.  Maybe for my “winter” post I will adjust my months a smidge.  I have done my best to keep up with stories and observations.  Here are a few that I have remembered to keep track of and many more I am sure I have missed.    

Size:  Grant is roughly 37 1/4” tall and 31 lbs.  We go for his 3 year check up at the end of January so we’ll have some “official” size stats then.  He fits perfectly in 3 T clothing right now and wears size 8 shoes.   


Favorite words/sayings:  Although Grant had yet to try any, everything is apple cider!  He’s drinking it, making it, cooking it…  ~ “Holy Macaroni!”

Grant-isms:  When he gets hurt he says that hurt my feelings ~ He tells us to get out of his room at bed time after we read our stories ~ This month we were finally able to put the toilet paper back on the rolls because he won’t unroll the entire thing anymore

Likes:  Playing the game red light, green light ~ In the car, he tells me, “I want to sing to my music.  I want to sing to Jesus.”

Observations:  knows big/small, short/tall, front/back ~ He has become more aware of the dark and makes comments about monsters.  However, he isn’t really “afraid” yet. ~ knows his birthday ~ knows months of the year ~ very good at tracing objects (his favorite is his hand) on paper and the iPad

Firsts/Adventures:  Trick or treating wasn’t exactly a first but it was like an entirely new experience.  He had no issue about walking up and saying trick or treat to everyone.  It was more of a battle getting him to actually put his costume on (even though he knew he had to have it on to get candy!).

Illness:  None


Favorite words/sayings:  “I saw it on Facebook.”  The first time he said it we laughed hysterically.  Now, he likes to say it all the time when you ask him where he saw something or where he learned something. 

Grant-isms:  When we ask him to try something (we know he can do), his favorite answer is “I don’t know how to do that yet” or if you ask can you do this, his reply is “Not yet” without even trying ~ When approaching a stop and go light he likes to chant “stay green, stay green” until we make it through. 

Likes: honey sticks ~ anything green! ~ the dragon costume at daycare ~ went through a phase where he wanted to wear his Halloween monkey costume all the time

Observations:  This month I was able to attend “muffins with mom” at daycare.  It was so much fun seeing him interact with all of his friends in that environment ~ He is getting much better at staying in the lines when coloring and focusing on coloring certain objects instead of the entire page.  I should add he doesn’t really enjoy coloring.  It will hold his attention for about five minutes tops and then he is on to something else.  The same goes for crafting as well.  He could care less about handprints and footprints and this and that.  He will paint his own pictures briefly and then on to the next activity. ~ He has been talking about guns.  I think it is mainly because we bought a BB gun and he said he will use Pa’s gun (an observation from when we were in Georgia). 

Firsts/Adventures:  None that I could remember of made a note of… 
Funnies:  Informed the teacher at daycare you can’t potty outside at school, only at home (so maybe we let him drop his drawers and pee in the yard… we do live in the country afterall! ) ~ 
Told us he was going to grow up and be big and strong like a dinosaur

Illness:  None


Favorite words/sayings:  Water = waddle all the sudden ~ “Please, I have some more please!”

Grant-isms: While laying in bed one night Grant told us mountains have points on them.  We told him they are called peaks and asked if he knew who made the mountains.  Without hesitation Grant answered, “Yes, God!” ~ If you call him silly, goofy, obnoxious Grant says, “I’m not silly (goofy, obnoxious), I Grant Irvin Fisher!” ~ If Grant is trying to get your attention or ask you a question but you don’t answer him immediately, he gets frustrated and  says over and over “You’re not answering me!”

Likes:  He loves “building coffee stores” and “diamond boats” which consist of stacking blocks (wood and big legos)

Observations:  He has gotten much better at dressing himself and doesn’t fight us nearly as much.  This was such a battle for a long time!  Although, he may not always get it on the correct way.  Shirts are still a little tough. ~ Grant can now feed the dogs by himself.  He knows which scoop they get and can scoop into their bowls without spilling. 

Firsts/Adventures:  This month brought the festivities of Christmas including fun with the elf on the shelf (named George after curious George), breakfast with Santa, a trip to the Dells, and the celebration of Jesus’ birthday on Christmas Eve/Day.  He never showed any trepidation towards Santa.  He openly grasped and welcomed the celebration of Jesus’ birth and the true meaning of Christmas.  He loved telling us that there was no room at the inn and Jesus slept on the hay in a manger.  His primary songs of choice this month were Away in the Manger and Mary Rode a Donkey.  

Funnies:  Grant told the teacher he was getting a beer from the kitchen at school (oops!) ~ Grant told us “When I was a dog, I used to eat dog food and bark and bark!” ~ He has told us on numerous occasions that he dunked his head in the toilet at school and licked the water off.  (We have yet to hear this story from his teacher and I keep for getting to ask but I am pretty sure if it really did happen she would've made sure to tell us!) You just wonder where they come up with some of this stuff!  Well, I guess I know where he gets the beer thing from but not the dog or dunking his head in the toilet.   

Illness:  Towards the middle of the month we suspected he had a mild ear infection.  He had a small amount of drainage for a day and was really digging in his left ear.  We went into the ENT for his scheduled 2 ½ year check of his tubes and come to find out the tube in that ear came out.  It was stuck in a ball of wax in his ear canal so it was probably causing some discomfort.  He did so good laying there for the doctor to dig it out.  His other tube is still in and looks good.  We go back in July to check it again.  The doc opted to leave it in for now because it appears to be on its way out and isn’t causing any problems.  We hate to do surgery again to take it out if it isn’t necessary.  

Lot of fun coming up in the coming week.. my mom arrives on Thursday and we will be celebrating Grant's birthday on Saturday!  Almost three!!!!

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