Laying on Monty |
Growth: At his 15 month appointment, Grant weighed in at 23.0 lbs (30%), 30.5 inches tall (50%) and a head circumference of 18.5 inches (50%). Grant is pretty much all in 12-18 month and 18 month clothing. Shoes are 4’s and some 5’s now. He now has 9 teeth. This month he got his lower, right lateral incisor and also his lower, left first molar.
Language/Comprehension: He is a pro at the signs that we have been stressing and is using them in the proper context more and more. He knows eat, more, all done, and please. We have been working on thank you and drink and they work on several others at daycare as well. Grant now says “Hi” and loves to get a “Hi” in return which then turns into a game of “Hi” exchanges. When Matt arrives home from work, it is usually to Grant running towards the door saying “Hi” over and over again. He will also say “bye” and wave but not nearly as enthusiastically as “Hi”
On 3/18, he folded his hands to pray at supper when we said
let’s pray. I think it made my
week. He was so proud and just looked up
and smiled at us and waited for us to start.
Needless to say, it pretty much melted my heart. I also think he is trying to say amen now too
which sounds more like “ma-men”.
He can blow a kiss (3/21), give high fives (3/27), tell
you what a monkey says, he knows where his feet/toes are and will try to
put his shoes on. He is also quite the helper when we ask him to shut various
things or put stuff away. I like to put him to work in the kitchen!
High five for daddy at supper |
Roarrrrr... Grant scaring us |
His classic flying pose |
Things he likes: His ABC flashcards (he is obsessed and if
they are in sight he wants you to read them!), opening/closing the garage door,
“answering” the phone and saying hi, hiding and scaring people with a roarrrr, and "flying". Grant also LOVES finding belly buttons! He will play with his and then walk up to
Matt and I and pull our shirts up, stick his finger in, lower your shirt, raise
it back up and start all over again.
Funniest moment(s) this month: When we pull the plug to drain the water after bath time, Grant pushes it back down because he doesn’t want to get out. He had his first experience in a sandbox (3/20) which entailed him being a little squeamish at first and not quite sure about the texture but ended in trying to eat handful after handful of sand.
Biggest change(s) this month: Well, it was just last month that I posted about the fact that Grant seems to be opposite of most of the children at daycare in that when I drop him off in the mornings he takes off and starts playing instead of crying. In the last week or so, this has changed. When I drop him off at daycare and try to leave, he cries and clings to me. And when I pick him up he has been running into my arms which is the exact opposite of previous months. I don’t mind that change so much!
We attended our first parade on St. Patrick’s Day
Grandpa showing Grant the big truck like he drives |
Family picture at the parade |
Posing with his Easter basket after he found it |
We also hosted our first large family holiday get together on Easter which entailed tons of food and an Easter egg hunt for the kids. Grant hunted like a champ and even with a couple tumbles because of our hilly yard he never lost his Easter basket. Although, every single egg from his basket was scattered around him.
Carefully placing his eggs in his basket |
Then gracefully tumbling and losing every egg |
Playing on the front porch |
Mobility: Grant is getting much better at going down the stairs. He has been going up them since 9 months but had yet to master going down. He now lies on his belly and will slide down but still occasionally stands up half way down, turns around, and tries to walk off of them! When only two or three steps are involved, he likes holding your hand and walking down them like a big boy.
Illnesses: We nearly had our first trip to the ER on 3/11. Grant came down with the croup again (3rd time this season). He woke up coughing at 11:00 pm that night and within 30 minutes it had turned to the full fledge croup cough and he sounded like a barking seal. We tried all the normal tricks (steam, humidifier, cold outside air, and nebulizer) none of which helped. He was absolutely miserable and as the night went on, he wasn’t able to rest at all. His breathing was much more labored than the previous two times. At one point, around 2:00 am we were loaded in the car headed to the ER but he really calmed down and settled in so we turned back around and decided we could make it until morning to get a steroid shot. There was drastic improvement after the shot and I am happy to say the croupy cough didn’t return the next night.
Of course, following a cold and the croup he came down with
an ear infection just a couple days later.
He has tubes and was having some drainage so we visited the doctor for
some ear drops (I refuse to put him on any type of oral antibiotic with fear of
the C Diff returning). Well, his ears
were so goopy from the drainage we ended up at the ENT who had to suck the goop
out (yummy I know!) so the drops could reach the ear canal and make their way
through the tube. He was good as new in
a matter of days!
Grant has also now completed his one month round of vancomycin taper so we are keeping our fingers crossed and hopefully bidding C Diff good riddance forever. I am happy to say that overall it was a relatively quiet month on the illness front which we haven’t experienced since October!
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