Sunday, February 10, 2013

Potty Training Tales

We had been trying not to push the potty training issue and telling ourselves that when Grant was ready both he and we would be ready.  Of course we were keeping our fingers crossed that we wouldn't have two in diapers once our daughter arrives.  Well, it seems that in the last 1-2 weeks he has decided it is time.  It was honestly as if a light switch flipped.

The week of Jan 29th at daycare he went potty on the toilet at least 3-5 times per day.  The trend continued so when we would get home in the afternoons that week we put underwear on and he wasn't having any accidents.  There was one occasion this same week where he actually told me he had to go (while still in a diaper) so we put him on the toilet and sure enough he went.

On Friday, when I picked him up I talked with his teacher about his progress and she said she would feel comfortable with him in underwear on the following Monday.  I told her we would keep him in underwear all weekend and see how it went.  Friday night before we left the house for dinner we told him we were going to eat and he needed to go potty before we left.  He proceeded to pee and off we went.  We thought it was a huge accomplishment that he was peeing on command essentially.  That night we went to dinner with him in underwear.  He was fine sitting on the toilet at the restaurant but never had to go.  As soon as we walked in the door at Matt's parent's house after dinner he went potty.  Again, another proud moment that we had an outing and he held it.

He has since been in undewear at home and daycare.  He has had very few potty accidents in the last week and has come home in the same pants he has gone to school four out of the five days last week.  He has also woken up dry from bed time and nap time for 4 days in a row (we put a diaper on during these times just in case).  We are working on pushing him a little longer between potty breaks hoping he will begin to be more vocal about when he has to go instead of putting him on the potty on a schedule.  He is getting there slowly but surely.      

Poop is another story but from other parent's anecdotes and my research poop is always the 2nd to come.  He has gone on the toilet several times but will still poop in his pants before he will tell us he has to go.  He will get there and in the mean time we are enjoying only going through 2 diapers a day and having to scrub some occasional skid marks out of undies. 

In life, it is the little milestones and we are so very proud!  We will gladly take this progress at 25 months old!

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