Happy 1st Birthday to our happy, fun, and beautiful little girl.
Blow a kiss! |
It is amazing to think about where we were at 1 year ago (Birth Announcement and Birth Story). Our lives were forever changed again and our family was made complete with the addition of a 9 lb baby girl... our sweet Amelia Grace. The last year of our lives has
seriously been the fastest ever. I know
people (including myself) say it all the time but where does the time go?
My mom came up to celebrate with us on her actual birthday and will be up again in a week to celebrate at her party. We celebrated Kelli
(Matt’s sister who shares a birthday with Amelia) and Amelia’s birthdays at
Blanck’s (the restaurant Matt and I met at). We will also be having a birthday party in
two weeks for friends and other family but all of Matt’s immediate family will
gone for a wedding so we decided on a dinner with them as an alternative. When it is all said and done, Amelia will get
to smash three cakes: one in her awesome smash cake pictures by Jamie Gellings Media (click on the link to check those out!), one at
dinner the other night and very likely again at her birthday party.
Weight: 20 lbs 8 oz (55th percentile)
Height: 30” (82nd percentile)
circumference: 45.4 cm (45th
Still tall and
average weight as you can see… About
half of Amelia’s 12 month clothing have been packed away and sold in our
rummage sale. Otherwise, she is in
mostly 12-18 month and 18 month items. Diapers
are size 3 (after this box I think we’ll move up to 4’s) and shoes are size 3 or
4. She loves carrying shoes around but doesn’t necessary like wearing
them. She is getting better at
leaving them on and walking in them but she gets frustrated because they slow
her down.
Mobility/Coordination: Amelia
Never. Slows. Down... Ever. She is into
everything and extremely curious and still very fearless which makes mommy
fearful. She is on the verge of picking
up the pace and walks in a slow run.
Crawling in any form or for any distance has nearly gone by the wayside
and is a thing of the past.
Practicing her snowboarding stance... in a moving glider! |
fine motor is getting better and better.
One of her new favorite activities includes putting money in her piggy
bank. On her own, she can pick up a coin
and accurately put it in the piggy bank slot.
Language/Communication: Amelia
now does the sign for “eat,” “more” and “milk.” It seems to me she is trying to say Grant and
dog and she loves pointing at various items and talking jibberish. She still has yet to say “ma-ma” in reference
specifically to me… little stinker!
Amelia has shown some clinginess
towards me lately. There are days when
we get home and I can’t set her down to get settled in and times when I can’t
even pass her off to Matt for help. She
is busy and happy and curious and such a sweet little girl.
Amelia still has her big cheesy grin but now does this cute scrunchy face
with it.
Sleep: At daycare,
Amelia has pretty much dropped her morning nap and is down to 1 nap per
day. At home, she normally still opts to
sneak in a shorter, late morning nap and a longer, early afternoon nap. Bedtime is still around 7:00 and she is
normally awake in the morning by 6:30-7:00.
Feeding: Amelia had her last bottle over a week ago and
hasn’t looked back since. We have also
been incorporating cow’s milk for the last 2 weeks sometimes mixed with formula
(using up our last container) and sometimes milk by itself. She doesn’t care and loves milk. In the mornings
at breakfast, she chugs her cup of milk and then eats and then wants more to
drink. During the rest of the day, her
thirst for milk tapers off but she loves that morning sippee full.
Otherwise, her schedule includes breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and then
dinner so she now coincides with Grant’s schedule for the most part. We have dropped the before bed sippee of milk.
We’re going on 3
months with 7 teeth (I am a little baffled by the odd number and lopsidedness
on the bottom) and no new teeth. She has
been chewing on her fingers like crazy and digging in her ears but still no new
teeth. I have the feeling it is going to
be a firestorm of a big batch popping through all at once again.
Illnesses: It’s
been 3 weeks since Amelia finished her meds for her bout with C Diff and she has been relatively
symptom free since. I tell ya… everytime
we open that diaper up and it’s a loose, stinky poop inside it makes our hearts
sink and so nervous to see if the trend will continue. In the meantime, we have been pumping
probiotics in both kids 3 times a day, using thieves and oregano oils, and
pushing yogurt like it’s going out of style.
Brother/Sister Moment(s): My
mom took Grant to pick out a birthday present from him for Amelia. He was very excited but now that her birthday
has come and gone he doesn’t want to share her toy. He will happily let her push him but doesn’t
give up the driver’s seat very easily.
Firsts: Amelia
made the move to the 1 year old classroom at daycare. She has held her own and is doing very well
over there ~ Easter… she loved finding eggs but only reluctantly would let go
and actually put them in her basket ~ She also made the switch to a rear facing
convertible car seat about 3 weeks ago
milk ~ pulling
the knobs off the stove (when we had one!) and sucking on them ~ “cheers”
someone ~ If we ask for a toy or object she
proudly hands it over ~ knows how to and likes opening the DVD player ~ standing
in the bathtub with a big, proud smile (again… fearless!!) ~ blowing and giving kisses
Cheers Daddy!! |
Dislikes: wearing
shoes ~ being told "no" ~ and others I just couldn't think of!