Friday, September 28, 2012

Special Addition

One Fish
Two Fish
We already have a blue Fish
And now we’re waiting on the arrival of a new Fish

That’s correct! Baby #2 is due on April 18, 2013 (originally we were told the 20th and that is what the due date predictor said online.   I guess it doesn't really matter because a due date is just that... a prediction!) 
"I'm not Lion... I'm going to be a BIG BROTHER"
Baby Blob at an early ultrasound.  6 weeks 5 days   Heartbeat 133 bpm
I am going to attempt to keep a weekly blog on baby’s progress and updates so here we go…

How far along:  11 weeks, 1 day
Comparison at 10 weeks
Baby’s Size:  Lime    Average size: 1.6 inches,0.25 oz.
Fingers and toes are no longer webbed...

Baby’s Movement:  None that I can feel yet…

Total weight gain:  Home scale:  down 3.2 lbs  Doctor’s scale: gained 1 lb   At this point with Grant I had gained 1 lb 

Maternity clothes:  Nope, still fit very comfortably in all regular clothes including pants

Food Cravings:  Much like with Grant when I think of something or someone mentions something they had to eat it will spark a craving.  It sounds very stereotypical but we have kept the pickles handy and I would rather drink the juice than actually eat the pickles usually.  However, often times I think I want something and it sounds good but when the time comes it has been very hard for me to choke anything down.

Food Aversions:  When I am nauseous and don’t feel good, everything is an aversion!  Otherwise, chicken, mushrooms, grilled food, carbonated beverages, and coffee seem to be my top contenders for no way in heck am I eating those. 

Sleep:  Like a rock other than the almost nightly trip to the bathroom 

Symptoms:  What symptom haven’t I had this time around?  With Grant my biggest complaint was slight nausea and my heightened sense of smell which made me very gaggy.  This time around I have been very nauseous to the point that I am actually on Zofran to help me even get through the day.  I have been vomiting occasionally (when not on Zofran it was up to 3-4 times a day).  By the time the end of the day rolls around I am absolutely exhausted but I think I am so miserable and tired because of the nausea and not actual exhaustion.  It is extremely draining.   Then of course there is the heartburn, reflux, heightened sense of smell (which makes me gag/vomit daily and I even have a hard time eating lunch at work in the lunch room with all of the different smells of co-workers lunches) and constipation!  I’m telling you… night and day difference between Grant and this Lil Fish.   

Best moment this week:  Seeing baby on ultrasound at 6 weeks (133 bpm) and hearing baby’s heartbeat (172 bpm) at our appointment yesterday.  Although we did have a sligh scare yesterday.  Dr. Dennis was using the doppler to try to find baby's heartbeat and it took forever.  She said she could hear movement which is good of course but said we should do an ultrasound just to check on baby.  About 30 seconds after she said that we finally were able to pick up the heartbeat!  I think I was holding my breath and breathed a sigh of relief.   

What I miss:  Feeling good and having energy

What I am looking forward to:  Feeling baby move, nursery decorating, gender reveal… and mainly feeling better!  My mom is actually going to be flying in mid-November so she can be at our gender appointment!  I am so excited that she will be able to share in this experience again.  Our appointment is already set for November 16th so get your vote in now or later (upper right hand side of the blog).  Do you think baby #2 will be a pink or blue fish?     

What's different this time:  Like I mentioned above… A LOT!

Next Appointment:  November 1, 2012 (16 weeks)
Comparison at 5 weeks

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

20 Months

Grant and his airplane hat and new airplane
Growth:  At a weight check on 8/21 that Grant’s doctor from Chicago wanted us to have, Grant weighed 24 lbs 4 oz (up almost 1 pound!).  Grant is wearing 18-24 month and 2T clothes, size 5 and 6 shoes, and size 4 diapers (it may be time to move up to 5’s pretty soon).   

Teeth:  No new teeth this month…  still holding steady at 16

Grant and cousins Owen and Kylie
Language/Comprehension:  Grant’s language and speech has grown by leaps and bounds this month.  For the most part, I have honestly lost track of “new words” because there are multiple new words everyday.  It is getting easier and easier to understand what he is saying.  His latest obsession is putting two and three words together and repeating phrases.  His first full sentence was “I want more please” and another favorite “Where’s the football?”  He can say his ABC’s through G without help and will repeat them in their entirety after you say each letter.  When asked what color a not quite ripe tomato was he answered “orange” but does still get confused with colors quite a bit and things are often blue.  He sings raining, pouring (as in It’s raining, it’s pouring) and up above the world so high.       

Grant and Addie taking a bath
Some words I did remember to write down that were new this month:  pig, sheep, balloon, football, sorry, ready-set-go, pizza, happy birthday, good morning, open, close, yellow, Ben, help, adios, uno, dos, tres (when asked to count, he will usually count in Spanish instead of English).

Mobility:  Grant is still running all over the place and becoming more and more coordinated by the day.  His hand eye coordination is getting better as can be see with his tee, ball, and bat.  He also jumped and his feet actually left the ground (8/27).
He'll put anything on that tee and try to swing at it
Grant-isms:  Grant now insists on having his own napkin at meals and if we salt and pepper our food we have to pretend salt and pepper his food.  He likes to specify possession of everything… mommy’s car, daddy’s car, and when folding the laundry he will point out who the various articles of clothing belong to and he is always correct!  He also bosses the dogs and says “no Monty no” or “Bucky naughty.”   

Things he likes:  I think like is too mild a word when it comes to Grant’s obsession with the book Goodnight Moon.  Before bed every night and as soon as the words “let’s get ready for bed” come out of our mouths Grant is already saying “night night moon” over and over.  Not until after we have read Goodnight Moon can we read a different book. 

Grant also loves his crocs.  When we leave the house Grant will say “shoes on please” and walk over to the shelf with our shoes and grab his crocs every single time.  Then when you try to put a different pair of shoes on, he has a meltdown.   

Up to this point Grant has shown very little interest in TV and it isn’t something we have pushed.  He has recently discovered Curious George and loves watching.  On our way home in the afternoons before we are even close to the house Grant will say “George on please.”  I am happy that after about 15 minutes of George he is over it and on to something else.  He is still not obsessed with TV nor does he even pay attention unless George, football, or baseball are on. 

Funniest moment(s) this month:  Recently, I opened the oven and asked Grant to stay back because it was hot.  Grant then proceeded to open a drawer in the kitchen and pull out oven mits and put them on.  He now does this anytime you tell him something is hot. 

Biggest change(s) this month:  Grant moved up to toddler II room at daycare on 8/17 and seems to be doing very well with the transition. 

Firsts:  We had a cookout at our house with several of Grant’s friends and their families from daycare.  All of the children had such a great time and it was so much fun to see how they interact and play with each other.
The three amigos on a wagon ride
Pool party at the cook out!

We also attended a Timber Rattlers game which was not actually a first.  We went last year when Grant was 7 months old but this time around he enjoyed it much more as can be expected given his age and his recent obsession with baseball. 

Illnesses:  NONE!!!  It has been utterly quiet this month… A very welcome change.  All biopsy results came back normal and negative and we are now over one month post-op and Grant is still symptom and C Diff free!