Sunday, February 12, 2012

13 Months

The last month seems to have gone by in a flash… just like all of the others!  We celebrated Grant’s first birthday on the 14th of January (see my Winter Onederland post for more details) and it seems that things haven’t really slowed down one bit since.

Overall, Grant is still our sweet, silly, happy little boy.  We occasionally catch glimpses of what the terrible twos may have in store for us.  He has mastered throwing himself down on the floor or going limp and crying when things do not go his way or he is told no.  I am happy to say (and hope I do not jinx us) that his biting has subsided for the most part.  He still bites occasionally but it is usually directed towards a toy or stuffed animal when he is frustrated and not at people (mainly me or other babies at daycare).

It still amazes me to see how much he knows and how quickly he learns.  Just this month alone he has come so far.  Here are some of the milestones…

Vocabulary:  dog (or “duh”), light (or “dight), and “dat” as he points at everything and wants you to tell him what it is.  He also signs all done and occasionally will sign eat and more. 

Some of the things he can identify:  book, ball, cow (he also knows what the cow says), his mouth, Sophie the giraffe, blanket, coat, and if you ask him where Ellen is he points to the TV.  When we have the time, we sit down and watch Ellen and he will dance with her every time and clap when she is done or when her audience claps.  It is absolutely adorable to watch and I keep saying that I need to get it on video… maybe she would fly us to LA! LOL  He knows where his sock and his hat go and he also knows which dog is Bucky and which dog is Monty.

When asked for a kiss, Grant will give you a big, wide open-mouthed wet one :) 

Favorite thing(s):  He still loves music and he is a dancing machine. Grant absolutely adores Monty.  He likes Bucky too but I think he realizes he can be a bit rougher with Monty and Monty usually just lays there and soaks up the attention.  

Stretching Monty's skin and then...

going in for a cuddle

Funniest thing(s):  Grant has learned what the camera is and what exactly I am always doing with it!  As soon as I bring it out to try to take pictures of him he makes silly faces.  He closes and squints his eyes and opens his mouth, hamming it up for the camera.  

He also has this new thing where he marches in place.  He can be standing playing, taking a drink of his cup, or just standing in kitchen watching me... he loves marching in place all of the sudden.

Teeth:  He is still at 6 and has not officially gotten a single tooth since September 4th but his two bottom lateral incisors are just about to pop through (literally any day now).  I have the feeling that he is going to get his next round of teeth all at the same time.     

Illnesses:  On January 24th we found out he had C Diff for the 3rd time (see my C Diff post).  Then on top of that, the day after we found out it was back he came down with the croup again and ran a 103-105 fever (that would come down with Tylenol/ibprofren thank goodness!) for four days.  Just one of the many bugs going around right now...   

Mode of transportation:  No more crawling for this guy… he has chosen walking as his primary and usually only mode of transportation.  

 His balance has also come a long way...

Biggest change this month:  Grant has to this point never really suffered from separation anxiety.  He is still usually fine when I drop him off at daycare in the mornings but at home if I leave the room or walk away he is crying and following after me.  I cannot cook or get anything done without a little boy clinging to my leg. 

Firsts:  We had the opportunity to play in the snow when my mom was here for Grant's birthday.  He absolutely loved it and laughed at us while we made a snowman and even got a little taste of snow... not the yellow kind though!

We also went to a  Bears hockey game for the first time last weekend.  Grant seemed to enjoy people watching more than anything but he was pretty tired and zonked out after the 2nd period. 

The grand kids with the bear (Owen, Kylie, and Grant)

 Grant and Uncle Brian (Grant's Godfather) and Aunt Ashley

Size:  Grant weighs in the 21.6 pound range and is about 30" tall.  Overall, that hasn't changed much from his measurements at his 12 month check up.  He is in mainly 12 month clothes although some 12-18 months clothes fit and he is pretty much wearing 12-18 month for pj's.

As always, looking forward to what the next month holds and what he has in store for us.   

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